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  • Writer's pictureJoanne Hickling

A (vaguely humorous) step by step guide on how to choose your Personal / Virtual Assistant (PA/VA)

Whilst this should be taken in the satirical manner in which it is intended, it is based (loosely at times) on real events!

1) First and foremost, think about what VALUE you want your PA/VA to add? Is your PA/VA simply there to take away the dull “pointless” admin tasks you keep procrastinating over, OR are you wanting “to get more bang for your buck” and hire someone who will not only do this without moaning (well at least not out loud), but will be a proactive strategic thinking team member who will drive your business to the next level? PA/VAs who are the latter will not only demonstrate shining examples of this on their CV, but in their interview will bring to life how they proudly introduced and led key initiatives that made their company’s net promoter score sky-rocket or how they enhanced staff wellbeing tenfold in just 3 months!

2) Will they be flexible to meet your business needs? At times, you may need the odd favour out of hours, and whilst it might make you tremble in your boots to have to ask for their help, would they be willing to support your request, or are they going to tell you to “s*d off?!” A good PA/VA will be happy to dedicate time here and there to help you/the business out of hours, and only ever accept/expect a little thank you in exchange for rearranging their whole evening.

3) Do they possess the relevant skills and experience for the job? Sounds an obvious one but don’t hire a wannabe super model / Instragram influencer just because you think he/she looks "cool" and will win you new business.

4) Do your personalities match and do they have a sense of humour? You will be working so closely it’s absolutely crucial you are compatible. Some PA/VAs with no sense of humour might get offended if you constantly poke fun at them so make sure he/she is up for a laugh and has a thick skin. When an Exec and his/her PA/VA are on the same wavelength it is a winning team, because it’s a lot easier for the PA/VA to be a few steps ahead, use their initiative and read their Exec’s mind. If you don’t feel your PA/VA will have suitable mind-reading skills, you may want to invest in a crystal ball early on to avoid any disappointment.

5) Can you trust them? PA/VAs hate it when their Execs are over-protective about their inbox, diary and confidential information, as it undermines their existence and makes it ten times harder to work as proactively and effectively as one who has complete control and world domination. Think about it from a PA/VA’s perspective - how embarrassing would it be if someone asked your PA about an email they had sent to you and they didn’t have a scooby do what the person were referring to?! In order to form a solid and workable relationship, you need to be able to trust your PA/VAs with your life and be prepared for them to invade every ounce of privacy you have. (Don’t worry though, a good PA/VAs is 100% trustworthy, super discreet and used to keeping all manner of secrets to themselves.)

6) Can they keep up with the pace? If you are running your business at 100mph, you don’t want a PA/VA who is lagging behind, faffing around or holding you back. Use the analogy of going for a run with your less fit training partner – you’re holding a decent steady speed trying to get a PB and they’re huffing and puffing, wanting to have a rest and slowing you down. It’s frustrating isn’t it? That said, make sure you can be supportive of their own personal and professional development when needed, it's not all about you, you know.

7) Are they tech savvy and a smooth operator? The last thing you want is a PA/VA who can’t work a printer when you desperately need a board pack printing or crumbles in a heap of tears when they can’t get technology to work. Your PA/VA needs to be an expert trouble-shooter, a quick problem solver and keep calm under pressure. In other words, make a list of all the things you CAN'T do and make sure your new PA/VA can!

8) Are they decisive? PA/VAs often have to take ownership for making business decisions, and/or be your “voice” in your absence. There is nothing worse than someone who constantly sits on the fence and won’t commit. Hire someone who can make a decision and stick by it, then you don’t need to be accountable when things go wrong.

9) Are they an early riser? Having a PA/VA who can start work before you is a godsend – you can come into work to a tidy organised inbox, diary, and office if you don’t work remotely. Plus they will have a brew (or two) ready on your desk for when you arrive too…bringing us nicely onto point 10…

10) Can they make a good cuppa? This is actually the deal breaker. Good tea making skills are mandatory as you rely on the fuel of the brew to get you through your busy day. Also remember to ask in the interview what tea they drink…unless its Yorkshire Tea, they do not, under any circumstances, deserve to be shortlisted.

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